Hey everyone,
It’s me again. I’m sipping coffee and staring at this Mac’s calendar, suddenly realising it’s already been more than 4 months since the release of “Adamant”. I think thank-yous are way overdue so I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone involved in the project as these have been a really amazing four months.
Enough nonsense and let’s back to business, or the purpose of this text: I (drumroll) proudly present the final 5 re-interpretations from some talented friends.
It’s an honour for me to have Francesco’s techno, David’s modular madness, Jake’s synthwork and Martin’s melodies all in one package, but being both fan and friend of everyone on board I’d be blatantly biased in describing this record’s contents. So, since it’s 2014, why don’t we switch banalities, skip the “description” and “let the music do the talking” (ugh, did I really just write that?)
Thank you all!
PS. Seriously, does anyone read these anymore?