Alex Knoblauch
Livio & Roby – Delta Reshape (VA065)
Romanian house business at its best. Livio & Roby return to Vakant with this 4 tracker after their last excursion as Premiesku.
Vinyl: 11.04.2016 / Digital: 25.04.2016
Nico Purman – Pattern Recognition (VA064)
New Podcast
Livio & Roby – Delta Reshape 12″ vinyl is now available!
Stream Livio & Roby’s ‘Electricity Reshape’ in full on Boiler Room
Tenacity 2016 is now out on Beatport + full stream on Soundcloud
Nico Purman (Berlin/DE – Rosario/AR)
Available as: DJ
Latest releases:
Nico Purman – Pattern Recognition (Vakant), May/June 2016
Nico Purman – Dyad (Tenacity 2016, Vakant), March 2016
Latest sets:
VA Podcast 28, May 2016
V.A. – Tenacity 2016 (VATC1)
Tenacity is Vakant’s new annual compilation series with its first edition to be released in March 2016! Tenacity 2016 reflects what has moved us in the past two years and it sets the guidelines for the near future of the label. Two new and exclusive tunes from Nico Purman and Sons of Tiki round up this 20-track heavy weight collection.
Anonym XXX Mugs
We did a small run of Anonym – XXX – The Private Selection coffee (or whisky) mugs. They are beautiful and dishwasher-safe. Only 10 pieces are going into sale and you can purchase them on our Bandcamp. Files of the Anonym release included!
Beyond The Label interview with Soundwall
New Anonym podcast on Monologues
New Livio & Roby podcast on XLR8R
Free Anonym track on XLR8R’s Soundcloud
VA Podcast 27 – Anonym’s 80 To Infinity Mix
Anonym – XXX – The Private Selection (VA063/AnonymXXX1/AnonymXXX2)
Out of Detroit and into Amsterdam, Anonym is taking you into his private vault of late night, early morning jams: XXX – The Private Selection. Out on 2×12″ (anonymXXX1 & anonymXXX2) and digital (VA063).
VA Podcast 26 Sons of Tiki – Apologies For Being Lost
Sons of Tiki – Apologies For Being Lost (VA062)
New Sons of Tiki EP with remixes by Malin Genie of Mandar fame and Dorian Paic!
VA Podcast 25 – Kenneth Scott's Another Planet Mix
Cesare vs Disorder – Vortex to Unreason (VA061)
It’s not a simple thing to write about your own tunes. Your concept is innate, the music itself is in your mind and comes out as a natural flow, talking about it is a different thing.
Continue reading “Cesare vs Disorder – Vortex to Unreason (VA061)”
VA – 10 Years Part II (VA060)
So here I am.. after having forced Vakant’s artists to write their own press releases a few years ago, since I think this has a more personal approach besides that everyone is tired of the usual press blurbs, I do not get around to draft something for this 10 Years Vakant compilation by myself.
VA – 10 Years Part I (VA059)
So here I am.. after having forced Vakant’s artists to write their own press releases a few years ago, since I think this has a more personal approach besides that everyone is tired of the usual press blurbs, I do not get around to draft something for this 10 Years Vakant compilation by myself.
Anonym/DLS (Amsterdam/NL – Detroit/US)
Available as: DJ, live
Latest releases:
Anonym – Back To The Source (Vakant), February 2017
Anonym – Castaway EP (Bass Culture), October 2016
DLS/Kader Yani – Joint EP (Semper Memor), April 2016
Recent sets:
Anonym – #5 Show You Mixcast
Anonym – Monologues 27, January 2016
Anonym – 80 To Infinity Mix, December 2015
CW/A – Conducting The Method (VA058)
After first performing together at Sonar Festival with what was essentially a live version of our respective “B.O.A.T.S.” and “Adamant” albums, Thomas and I decided to expand on these ideas for something more broad and improvisation-centric. After months in the studio drinking nothing but amaretto and working on new music for this purpose, our new live experiment (now simply called CW/A) was ready.
CW/A is the new live project from long-time friends and studio partners Thomas (Avatism) and Francesco (Clockwork). Presented for the first time at Sonar Festival in 2013 as a live version of their debut albums “Adamant” and ‘B.O.A.T.S.’, it eventually evolved into a broader, more organic improvisation-centric performance distinct from their separate solo productions. CW/A’s debut album ‘Words Unspoken, Acts Undone’ has been released in 2015 on Parachute Records.
Romanian duo Livio & Roby, together with their pal George G, sometimes like to play with words, make anagrams or combine formulas. As a result of this game, they derived a name „Premiesku“ for their mutual project, suggesting „premiere“ which resonates as a Romanian name. That is what their collaboration is about – a unique new experience, which is already gaining accolades from many party heads, acclaimed music professionals and opinion leaders.
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Entanglement is a project between Lee Jones, known from MyMy and Heffner and Fin Greenall, also known as Sideshow and from his band Fink.
Sons of Tiki (Antwerp/Belgium)
Available as: DJ
Latest releases:
Sons of Tiki – Mystery Shapes Of The Third Movement (Vakant), July 2016
Sons of Tiki – One Way Down (Tenacity 2016, Vakant), March 2016
Recent sets:
VA Podcast 26 – Sons of Tiki – Apologies For Being Lost (vinyl mix), October 2015
Premiesku – Pe Dos EP (VA057)
Sitting down and writing about our latest EP was a fun but challenging exercise, we scratched our heads and this may sound bad but we couldn’t think of deep, dark interesting stories on how we made these tracks or what they represent. These jams are simply a combination of previous and random happy accidents that have come together and saying anything else would be a lie. This however does not mean that the thinking behind them is completely random, the three cuts that we selected for this EP we feel are a journey of experimentation and a culmination of unexpected sounds and feelings. A word that we found best described the EP was ‘Irony’.
Quantum Entanglement – Acid Thunder/Need You (VA056)
For the second instalment from Quantum Entanglement we delve into the misty past, a time when moving parts ruled the dance, when the power of the night rested on a needle and a bassline, and before CDJs calculated the bpm for you…you had to touch things, buy things, and the bassline ruled over all.
Continue reading “Quantum Entanglement – Acid Thunder/Need You (VA056)”
Avatism – Adamant Remixes II (VA055)
Hey everyone,
It’s me again. I’m sipping coffee and staring at this Mac’s calendar, suddenly realising it’s already been more than 4 months since the release of “Adamant”. I think thank-yous are way overdue so I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone involved in the project as these have been a really amazing four months.
Quantum Entanglement – The Effects Can Last Forever (VA053)
Quantum Entanglement is one of the strangest phenomena in the Universe, overcoming barriers of space and time and knitting the entire cosmos into an integrated whole.
Continue reading “Quantum Entanglement – The Effects Can Last Forever (VA053)”
Avatism – Adamant Remixes I (VA052)
So here I am, happily an album older, introducing the first of Adamant’s remix packages.
Since the whole project was, generally-speaking, “a personal affair” and a lot of the album was not necessarily “club-ready” (does that even make sense?), we invited our friends on board to do the dirty deeds for me and rework my sounds into something normal people can dance to.
Avatism – Adamant (VA054/VACD06)
For over 12 months Thomas Feriero AKA Avatism, our friend and label partner, has been staying at home and working on his album. He moved to Berlin to work on it and now sadly (for us) yet (gladly) for him he is moving back to Milan. Poof! Just Like that. So what did this year entail exactly?
DeWalta – Thinkers EP (VA051)
Hello everybody,
It´s that time again: writing a release text for my own record.
As much as it´s fun to read a personal text, it´s a pain for me to write or say something about myself. Especially having to talk about my music or style always seems awkward. So one thing is for sure: i am not going to explain my “style”, tag my music it with some kind of genre or give an idea or explanation of my music at all! If you want to get an idea, listen to the tracks.
V.A. – New Wave Of (VA050/newwaveof)
We are very happy to announce our golden jubilee: “New Wave Of”!
…of what? Of a bunch of young artists we signed over the last years and 49 former releases on Vakant. To honor their actuality, we’re releasing this compilation, which contains tracks from the last 12 EPs in addition to 4 brand new tunes.
Sons of Tiki
Sons of Tiki is the all analog DJ duo from Europe’s city of diamonds and has been around in the scene for something like 10 years. In 2013 the Sons considered the world ready for Tiki and kickstarted their discography with Vakant’s 49th instalment ‘Seven Changes’, followed by their 2015 EP ‘Apologies For Being Lost’ and several outings on other imprints.
Sons of Tiki – Seven Changes (VA049)
For everything there is a first time: making your first track, releasing a first record, and writing a press-sheet for the first time. One a bit more exciting than the other 😉 As words are not so important, and only the music counts, we still wanted to give you a bit more insight into our tracks. So here we go:
Alex Smoke – Mu EP (VA048)
Hello listeners, blunt heads, fly ladies and prisoners,
This is the future of the music industry. Not the music, just the idea of the artists writing their own PR faffle. Next year I’ll probably have to carry my own bags on tour too.. tragic.
Nico Purman – The Bubble (VA047)
Nico Purman returns to Vakant with his most technoid record since his 2009 VA025 Euphrasia EP.
Anonym – Flivvers Vol.2 EP (VA046)
This record ‘Flivvers Vol.2’ is the second volume in a story of the end of one love one life, and the beginning of a new love and new life even greater than I had known before.
Avatism – Constants EP (VA045)
Unusually for a record (for me, at least), “Constants” collects tracks written in four very different moments in time: some are recent — so recent I’ve only had the opportunity to play them out just a handful of times — while others are over one year old. I really wish the story behind this EP would be a bit more interesting so this text could completely blow your mind but I’m afraid there were no dragons, no sex, no drugs and definitely no rock’n’roll involved. All four were mostly produced by me while sipping coffee and wearing boxer shorts in front of a computer.
Tolga Fidan – Rogue (VA044/VACD05)
Global Superstar DJ Tolga Fidan is back. After playing on the world’s biggest stages alongside the best DJs. Charted by every living organism on our earth, Tolga Fidan is back with what could be a grammy award winning record.
Thomas Feriero aka Avatism did not buy his first vinyl record when he was 10 years old, nor was he born out of the love of two underground jazz musicians. He had an extremely dull and standard childhood and can still barely play the drums. He has, however, released his moody, small room music on labels such as Dumb Unit, Mike Shannon’s Haunt and Tiefschwarz’s Souvenir, until he found a new home with Vakant. He is now focusing on his new project CW/A.
Livio & Roby – Shinichi EP (VA043)
After their Vakant debut in 2011, exactly one year later the Romanian duo Livio & Roby is back with their latest creation for the label.
Jeremy & Walker – Bedouin EP (VA042)
“The Essence of ‚Bedouin’ came from a long studio jam. While jamming I told Walker of an experience I had after visiting my parents in Dubai. I returned home and played at Watergate until early morning, I felt overwhelmed from what I had seen in one day: the skyscrapers of Dubai, the stunning beauty of the desert, the return home.
Dario Zenker – The Move Clean EP (VA041)
After a couple of excursions on his own and other imprints, Sir Dario Zenker is back on Vakant with the label’s first release for 2012. 5 tracks that almost make a mini album but with pretty much individual tunes, with a touch of the more dark and sinister side of Vakant, the label is known for since the early days.
Anonym – Flivvers Vol.1 EP (VA040)
In recent times it has been fashionable for European producers to try and recreate the classic sounds of Detroit. The true vibe and feel can surely only come from the City itself?
In recent times it has been fashionable for European producers to try and recreate the classic sounds of Detroit. The true vibe and feel can surely only come from the City itself? As his name suggests, whilst we know very little about Anonym, we do know that he hails from the legendary Motor City, and the true essence of his home town can be heard and felt in his music. Classic sounds constructed with a modern touch. Gritty, raw and crying out for sweaty basements.
DeWalta – The Antiparallel EP (VA039/antiparallel01/antiparallel02)
This Ep was formed with a concept in mind that involves a natural phenomenon occurring in various/different fields of science and nature – Anti-parallelism.
As the word suggests, anti-parallelism describes the natural relationship between two occurrences, objects or even non-material things, that are virtually identical and yet oriented in different directions. During the time the music was made I was researching natural phenomenons like this one. Naturally, this became part of the nucleus, fabric and inspiration for this work.
Continue reading “DeWalta – The Antiparallel EP (VA039/antiparallel01/antiparallel02)”
Cesare Marchese – Aether EP (VA038)
Once again, with spring, comes another addition to Vakant’s fruitful and ever expanding family. We welcome the man formally known as Cesare vs. Disorder, for the first time releasing under his given name Cesare Marchese.
Cesare Marchese aka Cesare vs Disorder
Over the past few years, Italian producer Cesare Marchese aka Cesare vs Disorder‘s (also Azimute (with Quenum), Strangers in Heaven (with Sierra Sam), Queen Atom, Cez, Sir Cactus) unique productions and performances behind the decks have gained him recognition within the underground house and techno worldwide community.
Livio & Roby
From initiating the first studio sessions back in 2004, Romanians Livio & Roby are one of the foremost proponents of groove laden house, fast becoming ambassadors of deep funk-blended tech-house on some of the leading labels in the scene as well as controlling the dance floors of techno playgrounds around the world.
With a background like DeWalta’s, the stage was set long ago for this yougin to blast some serious holes in the fabric of music, time, and space. DeWalta a.k.a. David Koch budded from a large family in southern Germany filled with theater, literature, and music. Early schooling came in the form of the interdisciplinary Waldorf School (also home to electronic pioneers Abe Duque and John Selway) tasked with nothing less than helping young people fulfill their unique destinies.
Nico Purman
Born and raised in Rosario Argentina, Nico Purman has been roasting the proverbial marshmallows since he first started collecting records, before being completely corrupted by the fabled late 1980’s Chicago Acid House movement. Once debased, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, and The Cure quickly followed all leaving their influence on Nico.
With releases on Vakant, Crosstown Rebels, Mule Electronic, Curle, Modelisme and Art Of Memory his new project and label alongside the graphic artist Melina Pecharki.
In 2016 Nico returns to Vakant with his latest offering of future techno.
Tolga Fidan
Hailing from Paris via London via Istanbul, don’t call our multi instrumentalist French. Born and raised in Istanbul, studied in London, and relocated to Paris in 2005, Tolga Fidan considers himself Turkish above all else. At just 14, Tolga was playing bass and guitar in post rock bands. Always drawn to experimental music, he was taken with the sounds of Sonic Youth, Autechre, Pansonic, and Austrian experimentalists Fennesz. From this past, Tolga’s musical interest organically morphed into deep techno, he signed with Vakant, being one of the first artists of the label. Tolga is now also releasing on a number of outlets, some officially and some not.
Mathias Kaden
Whether it is Opening, Primetime or Aftershow, Mathias Kaden’s intuition for the crowd and location, proves each time again that he lives for his profession. His music is both, distinctly ambitious and refreshing. Following the House music of the 90s, he works thoroughly to create new sound structures. For a while, he has been using different types of percussion elements. The result is an enjoyable rhythm, which communicates with its audience in a very particular way. In a playful approach, he creates an incredible repertoire of feelings that reproduces within the crowd. Mathias’ various sets include the following sound features: funky, freaky, dashing, dub, slamming, enriched by African and South American percussions.
Tolga Fidan – We’re Strangers Now (VA037)
I just woke up and it’s pretty cold outside. I haven’t opened the window yet, but I somehow know it and I’m listening to these six tracks again and try to make an approximation of why and how I have done this EP. They are pretty different from each other but tell the same story or at least are part of the same one as a matter of fact.
Continue reading “Tolga Fidan – We’re Strangers Now (VA037)”
Nico Purman – Visions EP (VA036)
The ever evolving ever inspiring Argentinean turned Berliner musical talent that we call our Nico Purman, once again honors the House of Vakant with his latest disco inspired offering to the Gods entitled Visions EP.
Livio & Roby – Moduri EP (VA035)
To kick off 2011 Vakant presents Romanian rising stars Livio & Roby, the first new artists to join the label since 2008. After cutting their teeth on some of the biggest labels and world stages, Livio & Roby impart their excellent deep funk laden grooves on their first record for the perfectionist House of Vakant.
Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 Remixes #3 (VR08)
The third and final remix package for Mathias Kaden’s masterpiece album ‘Studio 10’ comes along with two reworks of Mathias’ Vakant label mates Onur Özer and DeWalta.
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V.A. – Family Values EP (VA034)
After the digital release of the 8-track ‚Family Values’ compilation late summer this year, Vakant is ready to follow up with a ‘Family Values EP’ on vinyl this autumn. 4 selected tracks have made it onto the black gold, even we`re loving each tune like a mother loves her umh.. eight children.
Tolga Fidan – Rezil (VALT5)
Tolga Fidan presents ‘Rezil’, the latest of the Vakant Limited series! Whoever said ‘we need more cowbell’, will be more than happy to dig this tune. A little unusual in arrangement and sound for Mr. Fidan, ‘Rezil’ goes along perfectly with the VALT format.
V.A. – Family Values (VA034)
Nico Purman – Xpress Yourself
- Tolga Fidan – Linnz
- Alex Smoke – I73-Night
- DeWalta – Stringer Bell
- Robag Wruhme – Kuttenrolch 1996
- Anthony Collins – Boys S.times Cry
- Mathias Kaden – Circle Pit 2010
- Dario Zenker – Apollo 910
Tis the season for grilling, afternoon beers in the park, and the family reunion. What better way to spend a Sunday then getting into a fight with your drunk uncle over hot dogs and questionable shorts socked footwear combinations?
Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 Remixes #2 (VR07)
After dropping the first package (Dj Koze and AFFKT) last month, here’s another set of splendid remixes for Mathias Kaden’s highly acclaimed album ‘Studio 10’. Luna City Express & Matthias Tanzmann and Wareika are the chosen ones for remix package #2!
Continue reading “Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 Remixes #2 (VR07)”
Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 Remixes #1 (VR06)
Late in 2009 Mathias Kaden’s debut album ‘Studio 10’ was released and a flood of attention ensued. The readers from Groove, Germany’s most important music magazine, voted ‘Studio 10’ the top album of the year. Correspondingly it also received a flood of positive feedback from the scene’s most important DJs. Overall no small feat in todays crowded market.
Continue reading “Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 Remixes #1 (VR06)”
Nico Purman – All That Glitters Ain’t Gold (VALT4)
Vakant is continuing its VALT series with Nico Purman after Dario Zenker’s excursion into Detroit techno some months ago.
Tolga Fidan – Gaijin (VA033)
Tolga Fidan, in his last tasty impartment on Vakant before his solo debut album due out in October of this year, brings 2 full sides of the most expansive mind and body moving you will find outside of a gypsy circle on Jupiter.
Dario Zenker – Belfort (VALT3)
Vakant continues its VALT series with the third installment of uncompromising club tracks. Started in 2008 with Onur Özer and followed up by Tolga Fidan in 2009, Dario Zenker brings up VALT3 in 2010.
Nico Purman – Rhapsodies (VA032)
Nico Purman, our Argentinean (soon to be Berlin based) drumline captain and all around groove slinger is back for his third instalment on the marching band in the sky that we call our Vakant home.
DeWalta – Nightshade EP (VA031)
Our jazzy multi instrumentalist, Dewalta a.k.a. David Koch, returns to Vakant with another popping fresh release, as earnestly house as house can get. Since his first Vakant release in 2008 (VA021 Salgaro/Farina) David’s music has taken him around the world in black largely covering our Earth’s northern and southern hemispheres.
Mathias Kaden – Studio 10 (VA030/VACD04)
The Thunder from Thuringia, Genosse from Gera, Mr. Minimal Samba, the man that goes by many names is here to present to us his very first LP on none other than his solo action Vakant home. About 2 years in the making, Studio 10 takes Mathias Kaden’s life-long work as DJ and producer, world wide tours, twenty something years of listening and thinking, machines and people, wraps a bow around it all, and delivers it with roses dipped in chocolate. Always taking his time with production, Mathias’ focus on quality over quantity continues to pay dividends no matter the state of the economy.
Tolga Fidan – So Long Paris (VALT2)
Urban nomad Tolga Fidan continues Vakant’s limited series VALT with a much sought-after track which has been around for a while. Fidan, just moved to Berlin a few weeks ago, says ‘So Long Paris’ in such unique style that that we hope he’ll never leave Berlin again.
Onur Özer – Kaşmir Remixes #2 (VR05)
The mind melt keeps melting. Pretty soon we will just be puddles of freaky essential oils, reduced down to our effervescent essence, like jasmine, or dry Kool-Aid. Of course we are talking about Onur Özer’s album Kaşmir, the gift that keeps on giving.
Room to let: welcome to Vakant.
Doing our thing since 2004.
Patuá – Macaista/Chapado (VA029)
Hailing from the southeast Asian jungle, globalization, diaspora, and the unchecked native baboon explosion have all seriously endangered Patuá, so we are afraid that poor Patuá has very few brothers and sisters left in this world.
Demo policy
We’re currently not accepting demos, sorry!
Robag Wruhme – Abusus Adde (VA028)
Hello! Oing oing! Nuff nuff! In information like these always in it that is the record of the insanity and since longer becomes then always most announced dj´s down specified those part loves, as good judges or the record stands before the gebimmsle to have held itself because sooooo geil.
Dario Zenker – Would Be Nice EP (VA027)
Munich man Dario Zenker is back again for his second Vakant EP following 2008’s ‘Sam Und Er/Womde!’ (VA019). Still fresh faced and just as hungry, Dario continues to bring the Bavarian goods to our freaky masses.
Tolga Fidan & Anthony Collins – Violente/La Cadence (VA026)
Vakant youngblood experimentalist Tolga Fidan has teamed up with fellow Parisian melting pot resident Anthony Collins to bring us a double A-side EP of corpulent proportions. Despite different backgrounds, ethnicities, and migratory patterns, the two seem perfectly synched up. Coming out of the sessions the two had while Tolga co-produced Anthony’s upcoming album on Freak n’ Chic, this EP snuggles with both live musician’s and studio nerd’s girlfriends; all parts were played andor synthesized live.
Continue reading “Tolga Fidan & Anthony Collins – Violente/La Cadence (VA026)”
Nico Purman – Euphrasia EP (VA025)
Who said techno isn’t seasonal? Summer’s ebullience must invariably lead to winter’s depravity. Short days, collapsing economies, and assorted mavericks have set the mood for the return of Argentinean Nico Purman, our winter cycle heavy hitter, with his second EP on Vakant since last January’s Tuesday EP (VA 017).
upcoming Vakant nights
Mathias Kaden – Moron/Shetani (VA023)
It seems like just yesterday. We were all fresh faced, eager, and earnest. It was 2004 and Vakant was on the offensive. First it was Smoke, then Robag, next came Mathias. A roster was developed, a platform born. Since then, so much has happened, so many a strobe light twinkled, and so many people we’ve freaked out globally.
Dinky – May Be Later (VA024/VACD03)
Since infiltrating the formerly all boys Vakant team this summer with her ‘Move In’ EP (VA020), Dinky has brought with her a welcome infusion of freshness and bloom to the otherwise dank locker room. Now, all nice settled, comes her third album via her new Vakant home. ‘May Be Later’, like the artist, is the prototypical combination of beauty and brawn.
Onur Özer – Kaşmir Remixes (VR04)
Hot off the heels of Onur Özer’s most excellent mind melt album Kaşmir, released October of 2007, comes the reinterpretations on Vakant’s VR division. Wonderfully thought out, VR handles remixes exclusively leaving Vakant itself pure to its artists. This constellation leaves everyone free to the corruption of their fancy, allowing the artists to choose their own remixers.
Alex Smoke – F in F EP (VA022)
Glaswegian Alex Smoke aka Mr. Menzies, the man who helped kick start Vakant in those blissfully uncorrupted early days, returns with a fresh no-frills attack since his last Hanged Man EP, VA013, 1 ½ years ago.
DeWalta – Salgaro/Farina (VA021)
Like a proper immigrant family enjoying the life of culturally greener pastures, the Vakant family continues to grow in Berlin. Closely following the exponential trend of mergers and acquisitions in the Multi National Corpo Borg, Vakant Heavy Industries signs the third in a series of new talent to the team. Berlin’s DeWalta a.k.a. David Koch, long time friend of Vakant, has completed assimilation into the freaky fold.
Dinky – Move In EP (VA020)
The delectable Chilean mistress Dinky has infiltrated the Vakant Berlin Boys Tec Team (VBBTT). A welcome infusion of sweet freshness has filled the otherwise dank locker room and the boyz will never be the same. Don’t be misled, it’s not all rosewater and kittens. This girl is packin guns.
Onur Özer – Untitled (VALT1)
Vakant presents VALT. VALT stands for Vakant Limited and means a new 12″ series for straight dancefloor tracks. Number 1 is being produced by Onur Özer and showcases his all new direction after his heavily acclaimed masterpiece album ‘Kaşmir’ from 2007.
Dario Zenker – Sam Und Er/Womde! (VA019)
Freshness blossoms from the Vakant spring garden. Yes the around the world big deep freak out bus comes back with a new artist driving us back to the Fatherland. Munich’s Dario Zenker joins Vakant after sprinkling his magic chuga chuga dust on some of the world’s gourmet minimal labels. Dario’s thick kink finds a natural home here in aforementioned bus bumping and bouncing all the kids wherever they need to go. A public service really. Can we get tax subsidies for this?
Tolga Fidan – All Pleasure Is Relief EP (VA018)
Indubitably talented Tolga Fidan returns for his 3rd EP on Berlin’s fulcrum of funkified tomfoolery, Vakant Heavy Industries. Zee young Frenchman by way of first Istanbul and then London has again taken his varied past to transgress genre and fused flavors to birth a creation that would make even the Iron Chef shiver with inferiority.
Continue reading “Tolga Fidan – All Pleasure Is Relief EP (VA018)”
Nico Purman – Tuesday EP (VA017)
Fresh talent has joined the Vakant Berlin Boys Tec Team (VBBTT). Argentinean Nico Purman, drummer and no stranger to the world’s dark throbbing dance floor scene, brings us a release nothing short of spontaneous combustion.
Onur Özer/Mathias Kaden – 2000 And One/Daniel Stefanik Remixes (VR03)
Vakant, based in the shadowy hedonic capital of Berlin, once again calls out to its sunlight fearing brood to unite and rejoice in their salvation. The freaky dual podium of Vakant and remix-only Vakant R continues to deliver its message of solemn tomfoolery and whimsical gravity with its latest VR03.
Continue reading “Onur Özer/Mathias Kaden – 2000 And One/Daniel Stefanik Remixes (VR03)”
Onur Özer – Kaşmir (VA016/VACD02)
The currents of influence that have shaped Istanbul for thousands of years continue to flow today in the only city in the world situated on two continents. At this crossroad the ´Queen of Cities´ has sat while Arabic, Persian, and European waves of influence surged and receded. In these tides Onur Özer was born and raised and in his coming LP ´Kaşmir´, they all come radiating through.
Mathias Kaden – Myal EP (VA015)
Our man from Gera, with a smile that melts the hearts of Justin Timberlake fans the world over, returns with his 4th installment on Vakant. Team Vakant’s now infamous wild expeditions to the Sub-Saharan Dark Continent as well as to the International Space Station (ISS) have surely paid off yielding crazy mutated fruits of both dark guttural rhythms and mind bending expansive space resonances.
Tolga Fidan – Venice/Tanbulistan (VA014)
Explainable only by a profuse amount of talent, Tolga Fidan blazed into the collective techno consciousness with his first EP “Now I’m Weak” delivering sophistication and unbelievable production quality from bedroom studio means. Now exactly one year after his debut, our young Parisian presents the double A side ´Venice/Tanbulistan´, his second release for Vakant and the rest of the universe.
Alex Smoke – Hanged Man EP (VA013)
Freak Funk? Cracker Krunk? Mini Dank House? While we don’t know what to call it, we know it´s damn good. Innit? Ok ok, while filed under “minimal techno” for facilitation of mass consumption, don’t assume you know what to expect from this newest installment from young Scotsman Alex Smoke, the first on Vakant since December 2005 under his O.G. moniker. Since slapping the minimal scene on the proverbial arse a few years ago with releases on Vakant and Soma, Alex has wowed both techno nerds and high heel handbag femmes the world over with his formidable mix of throw-me-your-expensive-bra-but-only-if-its-sweaty techno.
Onur Özer – Red Cabaret EP (VA012)
There’s a saying in poker “If you can’t tell who the sucker at the table is then it’s probably you”. What does this have to do with this release, very little actually, but all eyes should be on Onur Özer as he’s doubling up.. and if you think he¹s playing the same hand as last time then your about to lose your pants..
Alex Smoke/Tolga Fidan (VR02)
On the second release from its remix imprint VR, Berlin’s Vakant label comes with the goods, turning out what might be its most far-out release to date – and at the same time, its most punishingly effective. Going head to head, Glasgow’s Alex Smoke and Paris’ Tolga Fidan tackle each other’s tracks, twisting up knotty rhythms and gauzy electro-acoustic sounds into a battered syntax that expresses one thing: move. This is the real freaky-deeky, and the season’s dancefloors will never again be the same.
Mathias Kaden – Synkope EP (VA011)
Mathias Kaden is definitely someone who no longer needs any introduction. The Young gun from Jena, one half of Hemmann & Kaden and a big part of the Wighnomy / Freude Am Tanzen family returns to Vakant for his third solo outing.
Mathias Kaden & Onur Özer – Momentum (VACD01)
It’s been a busy couple of years for Berlin’s Vakant label. Kicking off in October 2004 with Alex Smoke’s Simple Things EP, Vakant has gone to strength to strength, releasing a tightly curated set of records from new talents (Onur Özer, Tolga Fidan) and old hands (Robag Wruhme, Mathias Kaden) alike, as well as launching the remix sublabel Vakant R and the audiovisual division VX.
Continue reading “Mathias Kaden & Onur Özer – Momentum (VACD01)”
Onur Özer/Mathias Kaden – Twilight/Pentaton Remixes (VR01)
P. Diddy may have, ahem, “invented the remix,” but now Berlin’s Vakant label is turning the concept on its head – using the remix to (re)-invent the label itself. Vakant R is the newest addition to the imprint’s crowded house; alongside the parent label and audio-visual offshoot Vakant X, Vakant R rounds out the minimalist trinity with a stunning debut release featuring Mathias Kaden and Onur Özer going head-to-head in a no-holds-barred battle of the remixes.
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Quixote – Pap And Fickle EP (VA010)
Vakant returns with a new chapter of scuzzy techno from Alex Smoke under his new Quixote guise. Alex Smoke has had a phenomenal year so far with the release of his ´Paradolia´ album on Soma. For his vakant productions he has opted to record under the Quixote pseudynom as his output for the two labels has naturally developed in different directions. For vakant he has always explored the darker aspects of his sound and the Quixote productions will represent this.
Tolga Fidan – Now I´m Weak EP (VA009)
Pop a Dramamine, slap a patch behind your ear, and grab ahold of the railing, because Tolga Fidan’s debut EP “Now I´m Weak” lurches like a dinghy on the high seas. (Might as well throw on a slicker, too, because you’re gonna get wet.) You haven’t heard a synth swell as seasick as the one on “Abstract Prologues” since Motiivi:Tuntematon’s sinking tanker of a track, “1939.” But as woozily as this 12″ rolls, it never loses its grip on the floor: all three tracks are solidly grounded in the blunt, toe-stubbing funk that’s become a trademark of Berlin’s Vakant label, home to mega-talents of minimal like Alex Smoke, Mathias Kaden, Onur Özer, and Robag Wruhme.
Onur Özer – Twilight EP (VA008)
Onur Özer was rated one of Groove Magazine´s up and comers for 2005, now he returns with another stellar EP for Vakant. At only 25 years old the minimal assailant is back to claim another dance floor victim. Already broken in on the dance floors of his residency at Indigo Music Hall in Istanbul the Twilight EP is sure to put you in your place. So sit down and pay attention!
Mathias Kaden – Pentaton EP (VA007)
The young gun is back and is # 1 with a bullet. After his fabulous Circle Pit EP ; the much talked about newcomer Mathias Kaden is putting his money where his mouth is with this monster EP. The Pentaton EP is another twisted rumble through dark and bleepy terrain. This time Mathias steps up the swing and shuffles you furiously around the room like a drunk sailor on a sinking ship. Deep bleep to move the most hardened partyier. Check!
Alex Smoke – Shminimal EP (VA006.2)
The following release is the ‘Shminimal EP’. With this twelve alex really explores the parameters of his unique sound and delivers three club killers.
Alex Smoke – Shwingnut EP (VA006.1)
The unstoppable Glaswegian Alex Smoke returns to Vakant with a double blow of mutant weird-groove minimalism. Alex has been wowing the clubs and festivals of europe this summer with his mindblowing live set and here showcases some of the prime cuts over two separate twelves.
Onur Özer – Envy EP (VA005)
Been a long time gone, Constantinople… Straight out of Turkey, Onur Özer is the 25 year old minimal invader with agility and skill to match. Take a look under the surface of this gentle resident of the Indigo Music Hall in Istanbul and what you get is one lean minimal tech machine. Already causing a storm on the vista with his Freakdisco EP on Freude Am Tanzen, Onur is now ready to conquer even more hearts and minds as part of infamous vakant brigade.
Mathias Kaden – Circle Pit EP (VA004)
Quickly developing a name for tough groovy minimal with a glitch edge the Berlin based label vakant once again delivers some hot wax in our laps for the coming summer months. This time it’s Mathias Kaden, the 24 year old DJ, producer and resident of the excellent Muna club in eastern Germany in the pilot’s seat. Launching 3 refined micro bombs for our listening enjoyment the ´Circle Pit EP´ is well tuned and energetic with its own distinctive appeal.
Alex Smoke – Ring.Click.Tink. EP (VA003)
Glasgow’s minimal madman Alex Smoke returns to vakant with five brand new blasts of schizoid techno. He is building a reputation as one of the most innovative electronic producers around and his recent ‘Incommunicado’ album on Soma has been regarded as an outstanding debut across the board. His productions on vakant are more deranged and demented than his Soma output, and his ‘Simple Things’ EP kicked off the label in fine style last year.
Robag Wruhme – Stekkrüben EP (VA002)
Gabor Schablitzki aka Robag Wruhme. What more can be said of this man responsible for lighting dance-floors and minds on fire for the better part of 2004. The Twisted, funky legend from Jena is back, and this time he´s delivering 3 tracks of cut up, hypnotic funk like never before. Purveyor of the goods is Berlin upstart label vakant who only a few months ago exploded onto the scene with a killer Alex Smoke EP : Simple Things..
Alex Smoke – Simple Things EP (VA001)
Glasgow based producer Alex Smoke is about to erupt on the global electronic music scene. At only twenty four he has developed his own unique sound and is twisting it in all directions. For vakant he has conjured four incredible slices of minimal techno for the dancefloor.
Alex Smoke
‘I am a man. I make music.’ Alex Smoke